Day 98:Grafitti

Grafitti-Back of the Door

Day 97: Lexus IS-F

For some reason, this is one of my favorite shots from the day. I’ve been watching and studying how automotive photographer’s do their thing. The passenger side (this shot) was completely shadowed, so I lit it with my SB-600 on a tripod, just the the right of the frame.

Lexus IS-F passenger rear detail
f/8.0, 1/250th second, ISO 200
Nikon D70s, 18-70mm DX, Cokin ND2 Graduated filter, SB-600 speedlight on tripod

Day 96: Lexus in HDR

416hp is a truly wonderful thing. And the 8-speed semi-automatic it’s attached to isn’t bad, either.

Lexus IS-F

Day 95: The Eyes (Failure)

Why a failure?

Two flash reflections in the detail of the Iris, from the pair of SB-600’s I was using to light the shot. And really not editable to get rid of ’em, either.

I see you

Day 94: Contempt

There’s something about a mildly pissed off cat, isn’t there?

I do not like you, particularly

Day 93: Monkey on a Mission

Macro and dual flashes for fill light.

my fellow americans...

Day 92: Shakespeare

Simply, one of my favorites. Ok, a little documentarian, but that’s allowed occasionally.

In Honor of the Bard

Day 91: 1956 Chevrolet

This one’s kinda cute. My folks went to Cuba recently, and when I was down visiting them at Easter, they presented me with this. A genuine Cuban-built Chevrolet. A 1956, for that matter. The suspension’s not great, admittedly, but it’s a great car. And it’s a BIG car. Just like the original.

1956 Chevrolet via Cuba

Day 90: Chicken


Day 89: Impala

Gotta love those tail lights. The car was buried, though. Much like the 1953 Chevrolet, this was sitting at a small town mechanics shop, so, hopefully, it’s on its way to a resurrection, and a new life as a tuner, muscle, or restoration.

Impala SS - taillight detail