Back Again.

Right now, I’m going to post some stuff (daily, or bi-daily, or when I can/remember/feel like it) haphazardly.  Sorry ’bout that.  I plan on picking up photo-a-day again, because it does hella good things for my photography, but between work, life and.. all of that, it’s been tough the last year.

One of the major issues has been my camera, which has been flakey, to say the least.  I’m hoping to either get repaired, or replace, in the new year.  When that happens, I’m back at ‘er.  In the meantime, I’ll give you what I can.

So, you’ll get something (if anyone’s still looking), but for a while, it won’t be new.

Genesis - front 15 16ths desat+blue
Genesis in Blue

Day 269: Dessicated II

Old Seeds

Day 265: Pretty in Pink

Yumikid in pink

Day 264.5: Update

My bad! I’m behind in my posts, and that’s not going to change in the immediate future. I’m still shooting regularly, but my access to my editing rig and ‘net time is curtailed for the next month or so, while I move into my new house.

Stay tuned though, because I am going to continue shooting and posting, but you’ll continue to see a few days at a time going up, rather than daily hits, as I’ve been doing for a while now.

And if you have any requests for things you’d like to see my take on, let me know, either here, or by email, and I’ll do what I can!


Day 264: ’23 T-bucket

1923 Ford T-bucket HDR

Day 263: 55 Chev in an Impala

Impala with 1955 Chevrolet

Day 262: Dodge Charger

1966 Dodge Charger front selcol

Day 254:

art on the river III

Day 253: Art on the River

Art on the River I

Day 252: Prince of Wales

Prince of Wales HDR -angle 1