Day 121: DarsanofParvati

My girl, doin’ her thing with her camera.

Darsanofparvati and daffodil

Day 112: Chompski

Puppies. Spring. Nuff’said.

chompski - portrait of a grass-eater

Day 104: Canto III

Graffiti in Ottawa is a strange thing. This one appeals to my literary tendencies, it’s a badish translation of Dante, Canto III.


Day 101: FSM

Potatoes don’t stay under the counter forever.

Flying Spaghetti Monster (2)

Day 100: 50’s Chevrolet Pickup

There is very little cooler than a rusted out project truck. I wish I had the money to re-do this one.

50's GMC

Day 98: Puppies

It’s been a while, and I apologize. I’m about 2 weeks off, and I didn’t shoot anything in that time. So, I’ll pick it up again here. I’m sure there’s going to be other breaks, I’m right in the middle of a super busy time as my show at The Buzz Restaurant just started. But, I’ll do what I can, even if that means back-dating.

In the meantime, my mom got a new puppy, to go with the one she already had:
